
我們的朋友—旅居嘉義的丹布隆(Dan Bloom)最近一口氣推出兩本新作《愛的守護天使》My guardian angel taught me where to look for love,譯為中文應該是「教導我哪裡可以尋找到愛的守護天使」)以及《小孩眼中的世界》In the eyes of a child, it’s never too late to begin again,在小孩的眼中,要一切重來從不會太晚 ,中文書名似乎都將原本的書名截去了一半),上個星期六在台北蘇荷兒童美術館舉了了新書發表會。剛剛看到丹他將新書發表會的相關新聞以Comment的方式貼了上來,不過似乎貼在比較不相關的地方,我在寫完這一篇weblog之後,會將丹的comment移到這一篇文章下。

小孩眼中的世界 愛的守護天使






23 thoughts on “丹布隆的新書

  1. 丹布隆 DAN BLOOM 出童書 結合英詩與畫作

    Hello Taiwan Friends,

    My name is DAN BLOOM. I am from the USA. Here is my new book for Taiwan. http://www.tgblife.com.tw

    Please email if you wish.


    > UNITED DAILY NEWS, Sunday October 5
    > NO PHOTO
    > 「小孩眼中的世界」、「愛的守護天使」
    > 適合親子共讀
    > 記者陳志豪/台北報導
    > 美籍作家丹布隆昨天出版新書「小孩眼中的世界」與「愛的守護天使」,書中網羅丹布隆搭配全世界兒童的畫作所創作的詩句,是一本結合英文詩與小朋友畫作的有趣童書,適合親子共讀。
    > 出生於美國波士頓的丹布隆,卻以台灣嘉義為故鄉,來台多年,曾出版「丹布隆哈上台灣夜市」、「我就這樣哈上台灣」等書,如今一改原先風土人文紀實路線,提升為文學創作。
    > 「小孩眼中的世界」採用全球各地兒童在網路上發表的畫作,「愛的守護天使」則是採用位於台北天母蘇荷兒童美術館所提供的國內兒童畫作。
    > 昨天在蘇荷美術館舉辦的新書發表會,有十多位畫作創作小朋友到場。
    > 丹布隆說,這兩本書嚴格說來不是他的個人創作,而是大家同心協的溫馨作品,「只要少了一幅作品,這本書就不能完整呈現。」他並朗誦自己的詩作,與小朋友們分享。
    > 丹布隆表示,他的願望是有一天這兩本書也能夠在美國、日本、韓國等地發行,當作是台灣送給全世界的禮物。
    > 【
    > 2003-10-05/聯合報/B2版/綜合新聞

  2. 美籍作家丹布隆立足台灣放眼國際文學市場

      (中央社記者顏伶如波特蘭十日專電)「我就這樣哈上了台灣」美國作家丹布隆 (Dan Bloom)要從台灣朝國際文學市場邁進。集合紐約、俄勒岡州、台北與嘉義的群策群力,新作「小孩眼中的世界」插畫詩集將於十月出版,他希望世人瞭解「Made In Taiwan」也有國際水準的優質好書。 廣 告

      四十四歲的丹布隆接受中央社記者專訪時說:「我希望世人瞭解除了紐約、倫敦的暢銷書排行榜之外,台灣也能推出有國際水準的優質好書」。他表示,這本新書特殊之處便在於它是「Made In Taiwan」,繼中文版後未來計畫以二十五種語言在世界各國發行。


      這位愛吃檳榔、臭豆腐與麻辣鍋,生活習慣可謂已徹底「本土化」的老美,第三本著作「小孩眼中的世界」 (In the eyes of a child, it’s never too lateto begin)插畫詩集,與先前兩本書呈現截然不同的寫作風格,從風土人文點滴紀實提升為心靈洗滌的文學創作。












  3. Thanks, Zonble, aka Wei-chung Yang, for your wonderful post above. Since you have been so kind and generous to me, I want do do something kind and generous here on your blog site.

    An offer: if anyone reading this blog would like to receive a FREE copy of any of my books, I will be happy to mail them to you anywhere in Taiwan (or overseas) as a gift from me to you. FREE. Please read about my new books at http://www.tgblife.com.tw and then email me at danbloom@reporters.net here in Taiwan and send me your snail mail address to receive mail package. I will then sign the book and mail it to you, free. I am serious.

    One good turn deserves another.

    Thank you, Zonble!


    Dan Bloom in CHIAYI CITY, south of the border

  4. “My guardian angel taught me where to look for love” 不是應該翻成 “我的守護天使告訴我可以在哪兒尋找到愛”, 而不是”教導我哪裡可以尋找到愛的守護天使”吧?!

  5. Thansk for that information about the Virtual book tour idea. What a great idea! Instead of relying on the print medio and TV media, which usually only covers superstars and celebrities like Madonna and Jacky Wu, writers who are not famous or celebrities can use the Virtual Book Tour to reach readers. Long live blogging! It is changing the way we think, and it is taking communcations to a new dimension.
    I love it. If my books ever get published in the USA and UK and Oz, and Japan and Korea, I plan to use the Virtual Book Tour to PR the books, rather than get on an airplane and fly all over and stay at strange hotels. I will do all my PR from Chiayi City in southern Taiwwan. The old media is dead. Long live the new media!

  6. 老外嘉義道場吃飯詩意湧現



     以《我就這樣哈上了台灣》成名的美國作家丹布隆,正悄悄地回到他拿手的兒童文學國度,新作《小孩眼中的世界》插畫詩集將於下月出版,丹布隆說,他希望透過這本書讓世人瞭解,「Made In Taiwan」也會有國際水準。中文版發行之後,未來也將會以二十五種語言陸續在全球發行。

  7. Each time when I get Dan’s email,I always feel surprised and happy to hear something new from him.
    I never had so strong feeling to introduce these two books to my friends,especailly when I started living in US, I felt people here should know more about him and his books.
    After recieving the book of “In the Eyes of a Child,It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again” I could not help reading it again and again.I love it not only the children’s artworks but the words and the life puping out from this book.

  8. In message number 10 above, Juliane wrote: ‘Each time when I get Dan’s email,I always feel surprised and happy to hear something new from him.
    I never had so strong feeling to introduce these two books to my friends,especailly when I started living in US, I felt people here should know more about him and his books.

    After recieving the book of “In the Eyes of a Child,It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again” I could not help reading it again and again.I love it not only the children’s artworks but the words and the life puping out from this book.”

    RESPONSE by DAN : It is a small world, because even though I never met Juliane face to face, she played a very important role in the creation of EYES OF A CHILD. You see, after I wrote the poem in English, I met Juliane via the Internet regarding my earlier books about HA SAN TAIWAN. Juliane was very kind and friendly to me via emails, when she was still living in Taiwan, so I asked her if she could translate the poem into Chinese, for the first time, so that I could share it with my Taiwanese friends by email. Now she is in the USA and we still keep in touch.

    And…Juliane was the first translator of EYES OF A CHILD into Chinese and her translation is still up on the web on several websites. So I want to publicly thank Juliane here for her great and wonderful translation of the poem when it was still in its infancy, before it ever grew into a book. Thank you, Juliane, and nice to see you here on Zonble’s blogosphere. You are an angel, too!

    – Dan

  9. http://www.dobhran.com/greetings/GRchildseyes.htm

    This website is in USA. It has music and images of children. It is an appendix to my books, Eyes of a Child. Now I am receiving emails from around the world, from people who read the poem there. Maybe one day in the future, EYES will be published in the New York for an American readership. Keep dreaming, Daniel!

  10. I am planning on doing several interviews with radio stations in Taiwan. Does anyone reading this know of any good radio stations, perhaps even college radio stations at NTU or CCU or Chiayi University, or pirate radio stations, or underground radio stations, or any kind of radio stations, that might be a good place for me to do speaking interviews?

    I cannot speak in Chinese very well, so the interview would have to be in English or French or Japanese, and mostly just English. But I feel that RADIO could also be a good way to promote my books since radio offers an intimate kind of feeling to listeners around the island.

    I am planning to do interviews on radio with Ruby Hsih at NEWS 98 FM in Taipei and with Jane Chen at her radio show in Taipei, too. I tried to ask UFO radio in Taipei, I even went to their office on the 25th floor of some tall building on Roosevelt Road but they said no.

    The people at NEWS 98 said yes, please come to our show, and Ruby English has said she will invite me on her show. What other radio shows are good for listeners in Taichung or Hualien or Taitung or Kaohsiung or Taoyuan? Have you ever heard of the Richmond Hsieh show?

    I want to do some TV news interviews, too, but the way TV works is they put you on the air for 30 seconds doing something silly, and that is not what I want to do for my books. Anyways, I don’t think TVBS or ETTC or PTS or FTV care about these kind of books; they are more interested in car crashes and murders and political scandals. However, I would like to appear on a good TV show that talks about books and poetry. Is there such a show in Taiwan, and who could I contact?

    The United Daily News and the Liberty Times newspapers have already written nice stories about these two books, and the CHINA TIMES has promised to report the news on their culture page someday soon, so the newspapers have been kind and generous. I also did a radio interview on ICRT radio station on October 6, with DJ host Rick Monday interviewing me. That was fun. I like radio!

    I checked the local bookstores today in Chiayi, and I can say that bookstore sales remain low low low. Almost zero. So I believe that unless a miracle occurs, and it won’t, bookstore sales for these two books will remain very very low. However, last Friday and Saturday nights, while I was selling the books during my regular night market sales gig, on the street, I sold 150 books. It is amazing. The night markets really support me. The bookstores are too busy selling bestsellers. So I guess I will remain a happy night market bookseller for the rest of my life.

    Again, thanks to everyone for their support.

  11. Some letters are beginning to arrive from readers that are very touching and positive, and these letters really encourage me to keep going with this project, here in Taiwan and for overseas editions.

    One letter today from a reader is really touching. Letter 1.

    He wrote:

    Dan Bloom:
    我之前去書店逛,發現了一本書名為《小孩眼中的世界》的童書,看了一下內容,看了以後我覺得自己越來越慚愧,記得小時後膽子大 愛玩 好動,長大個性就全變了,超兩極化的!

    以前 不會這樣的 唉! 我失去以前單純的個性了!小時候在空地玩耍、嬉笑,什麼事也不做卻開心得不得了。



    book EYES OF A CHILD comes to him at the right moment. He felt
    that after many failures and depressions in
    life , he had lost his dreams and innocence and
    just pretended to be strong and independent. “In the
    Eyes of a Child….” reminded him of the
    bright side of life and his youthful times. He
    was especially touched by the last three paragraphs of the preface.”

    Another letter, LETTER 2, reads:

    Dear Mr. Bloom,

    I have to say “thank you” to you.

    I met you one week before in Starbuck at Nanking West Rd. Taipei.

    Actually, I hate guys that speak with hand phone loudly in public place. But in that day, a customer call me he wants to withdraw a big contract, it’s of course a big trouble to me. I don’t care too much about 2.5M NTD, but I hate guys betray to customers easily at sight of money. You came to me when I speak loud unconsciously. Of course, I have to say sorry to all the guests.

    Please understand that I was very very depressed in those days (because of my friends left, and some business fail). But when I was leaving Starbuck, you came to me and give me your new book, EYES OF A CHILD. I saw your sincere smile and feel your warm and happy heart; I was touched in the moment when you turn away. You switch my feeling from sad to peace then joyful. Please accept my deep thanks.

    When I read you book, I think of “Angel”. God sometimes send its angels to Taiwan, I knew some of them before when I was a child. But I think you may be the new one to Taiwan.

    Thank you again.


    Mr. Huang

    Ps. Dan, I’m afraid that you can’t read Chinese, I have to write by my poor English. Hope we can meet again somewhere in the future.

    LETTER 3 reads:

    Dear Mr.Danbloom:
    How are you ?
    Do you remember me? I’m Shiou Feng that we meet in Chia-yi.
    Sorry I can’t use good English tell you what I want to say.
    Do you understant the Chinese?

    When I rea your books that made me fell the world is full of love.
    And the children is so cute.I lke their pictures.
    Because I like drawing,too.

    I’m lopking forward to seeing you again in anywhere.
    See you next time. bye-bye.
    Shiu feng
    看到你寄來的信 真的好高興喔! 也謝謝你回信給我!哈……..
    我很喜歡書中小朋友的畫 畫中充滿了許許多多的想像力 雖然我也喜歡畫畫 但現在的我無法再畫出那種感覺來了
    這是我最遺憾的事之一 雖然曾嘗試去畫畫看 但還是不行!?

    我也很高興能認識你 感覺你是一為蠻有趣的一個人!也是一個很特別的朋友! 希望有機會再見面!
    以後我會盡量用英文寫給你! bye-bye

    LETTER 4:

    Hello Dan,

    I would love to share my daughter’s passion for poetry with the world as you have done in your books. My teen daughter’s perspective is reflective at times but not quite as cheery (if you know what I may mean-she’s fourteen) Her _expression is nevertheless, astoundingly honest and forthwright. I want to give her hope beyond her own measures by surrounding her with supportive influence and beautifully crafted sentiments. I would very much like signed copies of you books. but please instruct me as to how to get them here to Lansing Michigan, USA. Is an inside inscription possible?
    My mother-in-law can help me to order from a Chinese order site if necessary.
    Please, any information would be great. Mrs. Wu, USA

    LETTER 5:

    Thank you,Dan!!
    I’ve recieved your package, which includes two books.
    As soon as I got it, I write this letter. Now it’s 19:20,Tuesday.

    Thanks a million!!

    And soon after I read them, I’ll share my opinion with you.
    BUT Now there is still a big exam to take on Thursday and Friday, so,
    wait for few days I’ll read them.

    By the way, in my family, I have a 5-year-old brother. He asks my
    mother to
    tell him the body in
    the book (In the Eye of A Child), because he loves the images in the
    very much!!

    The design of In the Eye of A Child is SO NICE that it makes kids like
    at their first sight of it!

    Thanks again :)…………………………………………………………Signed DJ

    LEtter 6:

    Hello Dan,
    This is Joyce. I’m so glad to know you and i’ve told my friends that i met a writer in the night market! today is double ten plus TWO and finally i’m going home later…..(I’m still in Chia Yi busy writing my homework.)

    I was so happy the night i met you and i even wrote about you on my diary. My feeling is that somehow i don’t know there are still people love Taiwan so much and they’d like to talk and to know everybody-and you are one of them. Talking to you makes me out of pressure and so so happy. THANK U!! Hope your dream will come true soon—-your book will be published in different countries all over the world!

    best wishes,

    NOTE: I really appreciate the letters I am receiving from Taiwanese readers across the island. The letters tell me that all the effort I put into making these two books happen has been worth it, not for the money I am making from them (SMILE: I am not making very much money at all, to be honest), but from the moving and touching responses and feedback I am getting. It makes it all worthwhile! Thank you, everyone, who has written in.

    Your letters mean a lot to me! — DAN, more than words can say!

  12. Another nice letter from a reader, LETTER 8:

    Dear Dan:
    I got your email of the EYEs OF A CHILD poem in ENglish website, so kind of you to sharing those lovly
    I must say it is the first time I touch deeper
    emotions in english than in chinese on the same paper
    after I read your “In the eyes of a child, it is never
    too late to begin again… ”
    and yes ,at that moment it reminds me how i loved to
    stare at the cloudy sky and image the clouds r some
    beings which can change from shapes to shapes,that I
    seldomly did now.

    You don’t have to mail me your book for free, as you offered ,As I said I am not
    rich but I will buy your book after I buy “harry
    potter 5”
    I thought you won’t mind.

    SIGNED, Fraser

  13. http:www.dobhran.com/greetings/GRchildseyes.htm

    a new website in USA that puts words and music together for EYES OF A CHILD.


  14. HELP!

    The biggest problem I am having in distributing and displaying my books in bookstores in Taiwan is the PERCEPTION by many store clerks that these are children’s books and therefore they shelved in the children’s book section of many bookstores. I went to the Eslite bookstore today in Chiayi just to see how they are displaying my books, and yes, they have 6 books in store, 3 of each book, and they are all displayed in the kids section.


    THen tonight i went to the bookstore at Chung Cheung University, CCU, and they ordered just one book of each title. ONE BOOK! And that one book was sold and now they do not plan to order any more books. THis is a major university in Taiwan and the bookstore doesn”t want to bother with my books. OUCH 2.

    What can I do? How can I change the perception of bookstore clerks islandwide that these books are for college students, aged 18- 38, not for kids? Any ideas?

    Maybe it is too late.


  15. American writer in Taiwan uses Internet to publish global book with ‘inspirational message’

    Monday October 20, 2003 1:46 PM

    When American expat writer in Taiwan Dan Bloom wanted to produce a book for a global audience, he turned to the Internet cafe in his neighborhood to find an editor, a publisher, a design team and a crew of 100 child artists from around the world.

    A year later, Bloom’s book, titled “In the Eyes of a Child, It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again” his bookstores in Taiwan, and Internet ordering sites in the US as well.

    Bloom, a native of Boston, Massachusetts who has lived in Asia since 1991 and earns his living as an English teacher and newspaper reporter, says he considers himself “a global writer” and his new book “a global book.”

    “We live in a borderless world now, a true Global Village, and books can now be created and produced for global audiences, just like world music and international cinema,” Bloom says. “That’s what I did with this book, and its first edition is in a Chinese/English bilingual format, with translations in over 20 other languages planned. Although I am an American by birth carrying a US passport for travel purposes, I consider myself a global citizen, a global writer, with global readers in mind.”

    Bloom’s book was published by a commerical trade publisher in Taiwan, lavishly illustrated with color pictures by child artists in over 15 countries, and like most authors, Bloom was paid an advance and he collects royalties from book sales. In this sense, it’s a normal book.

    But by using the Internet to plan, arrange, manage and produce his book, Bloom feels he has entered a new dimension of world book publishing. “I did everything from a small desk inside a smoky, noisy Internet cafe,” he says. “I didn’t have to travel anywhere, or even make any phone calls. I arranged everything by keyboard.”

    “In a Child’s Eyes” was published by Life Potential Books in Taiwan in a first-printing of just 3000 copies, according to Bloom. But with orders coming in now via the Internet from China, Malaysia, Japan, Korea and the USA, Bloom thinks he is ready to take the book to its next step: a New York edition, published and distributed by a major US publishing house.

    Bloom has an agent in New York now actively seeking interested editors and publishers. Her name is Joanne Wang, and like the author, she too has moved to a new country. Wang is a native of Beijing and now makes her home in Manhattan, where she runs the Joanne Wang Literary Agency.

    On the Net: For more information, contact the author at danbloom@reporters.net

  16. 看到dan bloom這幾年來在台灣所做的一切.應該沒有白費了 .從2~3年前~DAN BLOOM?是什ㄇㄚ?可以吃嗎?還是用的呢? 直到現在已經越來越多人知道有這個人了.我們也很為他高興.也要感謝DAN BLOOM把台灣推銷出去.讓台灣走出去.DAN BLOOM ! 加油!

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