Dan Gillmor推薦一篇Steve Outing所寫的、關於所謂的草根新聞學的文章:Taking Tsunami Coverage into Their Own Hands,當中寫道:
If you think about it, this worst natural disaster in a lifetime is an amazing media story. (And that’s not to discount the horrible human tragedy of it, only to focus here on the media angle.) It’s not only that it will occupy traditional journalists for months and even years during the recovery. What’s amazing is how many of the people who experienced and survived the disaster — spread across several countries and thousands of miles — were able to share their heart-wrenching stories, photographs, and videos with the rest of the world.
不知道為什麼,我看到Amazing、media angle還有occupy這類的字眼,就開始無名火冒三丈。說真的,我一點都不覺得人們需要在災難中洋洋自喜的這種所謂草根新聞學。
對於一般人來說,no news is good news,但對於媒體來說,no news is bad news。
所引用的這篇文章,其重點好像是建議主流媒體轉載災區業餘人士拍下的影像或紀錄下的文字,來呈現真正第一手、也最真實的新聞原貌,不是嗎? 他點出了職業記者的極限,和業餘人士如何能夠將這個極限再向上推。