
As the above citation mentions, this word is based on an acronym for the phrase Get Out Of My Back Yard. This makes it very similar in tone to NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard), although the latter has become so popular that it’s now fully in the linguistic mainstream (it’s even in some dictionaries). Here’s the earliest citation I could find for GOOMBY:

NIMBY has been joined by other acrimonious acronyms of the waste wars: GOOMBY (Get Out of My Backyard), LULU (Locally Undesirable Land Use) and NIMEY (Not in My Election Year).
—Melinda Beck, “Buried Alive,” Newsweek, November 27, 1989

是這樣的,這兩天看南方電子報上這篇〈楊梅 ─ 弘武營區〉,我什麼也沒想到,就只有想到這個單字。