又來了,混蛋 Yahoo


王八蛋 Yahoo hspace=


What the hell!


我是真的很好奇 Yahoo 的搜尋引擎服務到底是什麼人在負責,不過不管是誰,我都有著強烈的信念,我相信這樣的人生兒子一定沒有○眼。—他們難道真的不知道網路上的使用者都是用怎樣的關鍵字進行搜尋嗎?能不能真的拿出點好心來,看看這種熱門關鍵字,出現的是怎樣的結果

好了,用這個什麼「官方網站」的關鍵字搜尋出來的結果,第一筆該是那個官方網站,但是無法連線。第二筆、第三筆全都是我的 refer 紀錄頁面,在這種地方會有什麼「官方網站」? 但是因為接連兩筆都是連到我的站上,所以,第二筆看到沒有內容,還是會有人不放棄,繼續點選第三筆紀錄,還是連到我的站上。然後每天晚上這個時候,我這台小主機都頻頻滿載,別的事情都沒有辦法做,就是要應付從 Yahoo 而來的這天殺的流量。

我怎麼會跟 Yahoo 這麼有緣?而且結的盡是這種孽緣。真是王八蛋。



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Read the Error Messages, Dude.

Sometimes I found myself tired of answering the boring questions about the installations of the blogging tools or online applications such as WordPress or pLog. I am the one to translate such applications into Traditional Mandarin Chinese and I hope that I can share my experience and passions to help the other users who are familiar with Traditional Chinese to have their own place to write in text, to share their pictures, to express their self in any possible ways and so on, yes that is what I hope, and I intend to do so. However, my feeling of getting tired is keeping on growing stronger and stronger.

Well, the most the made me feel tired is that some of the questions are not even a question. For instance, someone asked that while he/she was installing pLog, there was an error message saying: ‘the wizard.php script has to be removed after the installation process. Please remove it first to continue.‘ In such a situation, what should he/she do? Well, what you need to do is to delete the wizard.php script as what the message said. Another one said, he/she encountered a MySQL error: ‘mysql_pconnect(): Access denied for user‘, what does that mean? Well, that just means that the username and password you input to access the database were denied, just verify your username and password and retry, that’s all. Such questions are totally not even a question, you just know the answers, and they are just in your eyes, in the error messages. If you read the error messages, you will know what’s your next step. Why don’t you just keep your eyes on the messages for a minute?

Maybe the reason is that the error messages are all in English, all the users would like to skip reading the messages, and just go to ask some one as me, to ask some one as me to teach them such English vocabularies, instead of using the resource such as free dictionaries (StarDict, Dojam, etc) or online translating service (AltaVista, SysTran, etc) that can help them to understand where the error transpired . They may prefer and are good to save their time but to waste the others’. Well, read the error messages, dude, that won’t spent too much of your time at all.



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